After walking around to find dinner last night I learned 2 things about Prague, 1- it is the coolest city I think I've ever been to, pretty much exactly what you would expect from an old Gothic European city. I never really gave much thought to Prague and never really thought of visiting but it really is an amazing place, and being here right before Christmas is really neat too.
2- it would be very easy to get lost here. The problem with wanting to go for a 10 mile run in a new city is 5 -6 miles away from the hotel can get you extremely lost, especially when you've never seen the place in the light. So I chickened out and went to the hotel gym this morning, Actually got a very good night sleep last night, only woke up once and then I slept in past my alarm. It felt really good to get a good run in this morning. 16 km (10 Miles) in 1:14:40 ~7:30 avg pace