How's that for mixing things up? Basically 2 1 hour progressive runs, followed by a 3 mile cool down. 8.25 miles in 60 minutes 8.75 miles in 60 minutes 3 miles in 22 minutes. 20 miles in 2:22:00 I was thinking, as I sometimes do on the treadmill. I could easier run 50 miles at 7:00 pace than I could 10 miles at 6:00 pace. What does that mean exactly? It seems like being able to run 50 miles would suggest I'm in pretty good shape so why is it so hard for me to run 1 min/mile faster. I think it means I'm getting old, strange how the older you get the slower you get but you seem to have more endurance. I'm sure there is a book on this somewhere. As much as I would love to go run another 20 miles on the treadmill again tomorrow I think I'll take a break and swim or something crazy. I would really like to go run with the big group on Saturday, not that I could keep up with them anyway, but I'll have a much better chance if I take it easy tomorrow.