I'm not crazy...I'm just bored!!

Week starting Jul 31, 2011

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Member Since:

Jan 01, 2009



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

St George Marathon: 3:23:54 (10/6/12)

Half IM: 5:44:03 (8/25/12 - course was long!)

25K trail - Buffalo Run (16.5) 2:34:50

Half Marathon: American Fork - 1:30:44  6/23/12

Spectrum 10K 43:42   3/17/2012

Best 5K: Spanish Fork 21:55 05/30/09

Short-Term Running Goals:

Okay, so for 2013 I am going to have FUN! Not that running isn't always fun, but I had a wonderful breakthrough year last year and I want to play this year :) AND get faster! So, my first goal I'm going to put out there is my yearly mileage goal.
It is 2,186 miles from my driveway to my sister (QP's) driveway! I want to spend this year on a virtual trek cross country running those miles. So, that is how far I will run in 2013...from my house to QPs. It will take all year and yes, this is measured on Hwys so it isn't really exactly how I COULD run it, but good enough. 43 miles/week...totally doable, and a fun goal to track how far I've traveled as I go along. Who knows...maybe I'll even run PAST her house :)

I will do more trail runs, Boston, Pacing duties, another Half IM and some other tris. I'm excited for this next year and look forward to having fun with all of you out on the roads, and trails! Maybe bag a few peaks this year too!!

Long-Term Running Goals:

Big Dreams: 5K in 20:2X; 10K in 39:XX; Half in 1:29:XX; Full in 3:15:XX; complete the Rim2Rim2Rim run and not die; Comrades; Iron(wo)Man.

Run for the rest of my life!


4 children: twelve, eight, five and baby Fartlek - 2 1/2. Wonderful supportive husband that lets me drag him and the family all over for race after race!

Finished 13 marathons and LOVE running that distance! I'm definitely hooked to the marathon monster and hope to constantly improve my endurance, speed and stay injury free!

I've also found a love of trail running! I hope to keep improving on this front.

After being injured with a broken foot at the first of 2012 I found a tri group and started training with them and am now loving tris! The half IM was harder than I'd ever imagined...and am ready to do it again. I'll earn my bike butt and someday have enough time to train for a full IM.

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Miles:This week: 20.21 Month: 66.83 Year: 273.17
BIKE MILES Lifetime Miles: 1172.40
Purple Mizunos Lifetime Miles: 110.08
Total Distance
Inspire Yellow Racers Miles: 12.50Mizuno Inspire -cookie Monster Miles: 2.00Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 42.10
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Got to sleep in on Sunday, so I'm feeling nice and rested today and got up early on a beautiful morning for a nice easy good ol' 6.2 mile loop. Some of it is where the 5K for the tri Saturday was, so that was a little nostalgic too :)

I really thought I was going faster (AP: 9:27) I thought for sure I'd get home and see and 8:30ish AP, but Noooooo. My dumb stupid slow legs are back :( I really, truly, honestly wish I could run faster. I don't mind just running and enjoying it, but I wish an easy run was closer to an 8mm for me. That I could race in the 6's and linger in the low 8's for daily workouts. Blech, whatever, I should just be happy I can run! 

splits:  10:03, 9:31, 9:15, 9;22, 9:29, 9:12, 8:26 (last .2)

After getting kids off to school I went to the gym and ran 6.3 miles on the TM. My feelings about the morning run came rushing back to me, so I decided to teach these legs a lesson! They can and WILL run faster! 10 min warm-up @ 8:57, then did 1 min on/1 min off 'speed' work. First couple I did at 7:53 with rest @ 8:41 consistently. But then the speed got faster for the 1 min on and the majority of them were run at 7:30 pace. It felt a lot easier than I thought it should have - especially given my road run just this morning. The last 2 were at 7:03 and I think I should've probably tried to do the majority of them at that speed. Oh well...whatever, I guess I like being slow! Then I did the last .4 at a consistent 8mm to finish up.

AP:  8:06 for last 4.3 miles. I accidentally hit the stop at 18 min and I think I was over 2 miles, but I don't know...I figure doing 8 min of speed work I should've been there, but I knew I was at LEAST 2, so just left it at that and started again. Dumb machines...hate TMs!

Hit FIT class afterward and a new teacher did some new, interesting things. Kind of changed class a little bit, but I did like it. I was dripping sweat, so I guess I can't complain.

Now I'm off...trying to resolve to do more with myself this month. When the 1st comes on a Monday I have NO excuses. I want my children to see me doing more than spending a bunch of time sitting on the computer. So, I may disappear a little from the blog and not keep up like I enjoy doing, but I will try to sneak on at night when they are in bed and check on y'all! :)

Inspire Yellow Racers Miles: 12.50
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Well, the sleep in from Sunday has officially worn off. Stayed up late last night and didn't get to bed until midnight. It was all for a good cause though. Bye-wing is heading home and I won't see her again for about a year, so I had to stick it out to the bitter end to get all the time in I could! We did get to do Benihanna dinner too though, so it was totally worth it!!

Four and a half short hours after getting to bed I was up and headed to BBK's. Nice warm-up, but there wasn't anyone to linger in the back with me, so it was keep up or die. I'm glad I did and didn't wimp out, but it wasn't easy after yesterday's miles and speed.

Dumb me, I think I must be a glutton for punishment. We met at the track which means speed work. After yesterday I didn't think I could do it, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well I pushed myself to hit something decent.

Two 1000M with a 400M rest. Two 400M with a 200M rest, then finish with two 200's with a 100M rest, then finish the lap for a cool down. Repeat, but only doing one of each interval instead of two. On the 400's and 200's I got to see low 7's to low 6's which was nice. I was still Waaaay behind the group, BUT no one ever lapped me, so that is improvement :) Especially on tired legs from yesterday.

Went out for one more cool-down mile to round out to 10 and my legs were heavy and tired! Ended with a 10:21 AP for the mile! HA!! I guess I'd run the speed right out of them.

Came home and got a nap until I woke kids up to get ready for school (yes, I'm a bad mom and let the stay up late too to get a good final visit with cousins in), then went back to bed while they were getting ready :)

The 2 youngest woke up at 9 and since this was the first week for boot camp in a while (teacher has been busy) we headed over to the church for a good beat down. I got a good stretch in afterward, so I hope I'm not too sore tomorrow! Since I'm already at 22 for the week I think I'm going to do some swim and bike tomorrow and give the legs a rest from the pounding. I don't want any more injuries!! I'm just finally starting to get back at it.

AP: 8:52 splits: 9:24, 8:47,  9:19, 9:30, 8:36, 8:12, 8:21, 7:59 (YAY! been a while since I've seen 7's not in a race!), 8:12, 10:21 - yup, speed gone! My garmin says that I hit 11mph (5:27mm) during that 7:59 split...not sure I believe it, but still nice to see! :)

Mizuno Inspire -cookie Monster Miles: 2.00Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 10.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

As promised today was a 'rest' day - at least from the pounding of running. 

Slept in since I was just going to the gym and that is always a nice treat! 

Lifetime does a spin class 9-10ish everyday except Wednesday - blech! Whatever. So, I decided to just go up and use the spin bike anyway since the ones on the cardio floor are those big seat, weirdo ones with no cages or clips. I knew I'd get a better workout on a spin bike.

I just let my music be the guide and when the rhythm would slow down I'd increase the hill so I still had to work as hard or harder. I think I had a better workout than I usually do in spin. Nice and sweaty! A full hour on the bike with lots of hills and some speed mixed in.

Then I transitioned quickly into my suit and out to the pool. I wanted to get a mile in before I had to get kiddos, so I jumped in and started off. I was so pleased that I'd done 12 laps in about 13-14 minutes that I chatted with the super/speedy swimmer next to me for a minute. All of a sudden I had chatted away my buffer time and had to get at it! Did 20 laps without stopping in about 23ish minutes. Total of 32 or one measly mile :)

Now was the QUICK transition training time! Getting out of the pool and trying to walk right after finishing laps is crazy...you feel kind of dizzy and your legs don't want to hold you up. But, I grabbed my stuff and bee-lined it to the locker room to throw on shirt and shorts and get to the daycare. Record time I'm sure :) I think I ended up being 3-5 minutes late, but no one said anything so I'm taking that as a good sign.

Nice to get a workout in and not have the pounding on the body. I think I may try to keep my Wednesdays and Fridays as x-training days with occasionally some lower mileage in there as well. Just feels good to change it up a little.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Another early morning with BBK's. Those guys are tough and fast...they always are good about quickly putting me in my place when I think I'm doing well :)

3 mile warm-up which was much faster than I would've liked (8:52AP), then a 6 mile tempo. The turn around of the tempo was about a 1/2 mile away from  the start (like an 'open-jaw' route) and I was SO tempted to just run back to the church! Good thing Kelli was there to pull me back to reality.

I wanted to keep the tempo at MP, well hopeful MP, and see how things went. It's frustrating some times to hit those paces and know you can run a half at an AP faster than that! Those 6 tempo miles were harder than ANY of the DesNews miles that were much faster (of course, this was good rollers and not just downhill). I just don't get it sometimes. Goal was 8:10-8:20mm for the tempo and I hit them perfectly - or a little faster.

When I got back to the church I was exhausted and for one of the first times in my life wanted to puke. I knew it would make me feel better! But, I didn't. Puke pace for me should be MUCH faster than this!! I chatted with Nancy for a bit then did a mile-ish cool down just nice and easy around the 'hood.

AP: 8:34 splits: 9:20, 8:42, 8:30, *8:19, 8:00, 8:17, 8:00, 8:12, 8:16* 9:57  (the *to* is the tempo miles, thanks to Kelli I was able to hold on the last mile - I was done! Just 20.2 more of these and I'll hit my MP goal....HA!).

Now I'm off to yoga, and boy do I need it today! Can't wait!

Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 10.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Did a re-run of the Triathalon with Becca this morning. We biked the 3+ miles up to the reservoir and then jumped in. Okay, it was a slow submersion. I'm a pansy and during the race I just did it, but this time I had time to think about all the fish that were going to eat me. Took a minute to get going. 

We swam the perimeter of  the reservoir (500ishM) and it was nice to see that there were 5 other crazy women there swimming at 6:30 in the morning as well. I actually saw the sun peek over the mountains while I was side breathing. It was really beautiful! Kind of like one of those 'eternity' pools that rich people have on the beach? Yeah...and all in my backyard! :)

Jumped back on the bikes and did the bike route. Not having to race uphill to Kennecott was kind of nice and still a good workout, but the downhill was still just as sweet! At the finish line we passed it and rode back to my house to start the 5K.

Only problem was we'd wasted away our extra time. So, I now had kids to feed breakfast to and get lunches packed and Becca had to get home so she could go play this weekend. Blech. Oh well. So, while my kids were headed off on their bikes to school I took off running and did my 5K loop. I just had a good 20 min transition time :)

The run was great. I felt comfortable the whole time and the AP was under a 9mm and I almost got my 'hill of despair' mile under 9 as well! It's nice to feel good on a run. Especially after a 19 mile bike ride and swim.

AP: 8:56 splits: 9:11, 8:34, 9:02 (SO close!!), 8:59 (last .1)

bike AP: 15.2 mph (after I take out the stops I forgot to stop the garmin at!).

Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 3.10
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Ahhh, what a beautiful morning! I was tired, but once I got going with the wonderful, amazing and pleasant company along for the run, I forgot all about being tired. Maybe having a nap on that skateboard that was tied to Smooth's waist for a few miles helped too. 

Smooth, Annette, Karen, Dr Smith and David came along. Dr Smith (The dentist Annette works with as a hygenist) and David saw us as we were just leaving the parking lot. We invited them to come along with us. Small world - they live in Smooth and Karen's neighborhood...so basically everyone had a connection to them but me. Well, except that I'm related to Annette. Does that count? :)

We had a wonderfully pleasant run chatting back and forth about different topics to the lake and back. At Willow park on the return Smooth and I took a side trip to throw away trash in a dumpster and ended up a little bit behind the others. So, when we got back just shy of 14 miles (all the others wanted for the day) they went ahead to just finish up and Smooth and I grabbed a drink with Karen then headed off for our last 5ish miles. When we passed them on their way back we tried to convince them to go a few more, but only David took the bait. Brave man! Furthest he has ever run. Both the boys are training for their first full down in SGM.

Karen, Smooth and I wound our way around the construction and went North. It has been SO long since I've been North, I really miss that trail. I'm glad I got to do a little bit of it today. I was ready to be done around 15 miles, when we were done at 18 it took me a while to figure out we weren't just at 17! I could've gone for 20, but I stopped - sticking with the plan and trying not to get injured.

We had a nice 1/4ish mile walk back to the cars and that always helps my legs recover better! We stretched and chatted like stink bugs (with our butts in the air to get the hammy's good) and then took off for home. PERFECT long run morning!

AP: 9:16 splits: 9:35, 9:31, 8:46, 8:58, 8:55, 9:04, 9:28, 9:18, 9:04, 9:04, 9:13, 9:06, 9:18, 9:32, 9:26, 9:31, 9:37, 9:27. So, the AP wasn't the greatest and we slowed at the end, but the fact that I felt good means more to me than pace right now! There were some splits in the 8's :)

On the way home I got to thinking about a tri later this month I was thinking about doing with my daughter. Since I was feeling so good, I called her and asked if she wanted to do a bike/run practice with me. She was ready when I got home! Off we went...1.5 on the bike to get Lucy out a bit, then 5 miles (what she will do at the tri) on the bike (total of 6.5), then we ran 1 mile (she will do 1.7). It was slow and she was whiny, but I tried to encourage her through it. She finished almost happy and I think now feels pretty accomplished. I loved spending some time with her out there on the road. I only have 8-10ish years left until she leaves me for good...gotta make the best of it!!!

So, I really ran 19 miles today, but I'm not counting the last one with Lauren. It was just too fun to count :) Next week we're going to try the full 1.7!!

Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 19.00
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
Total Distance
Inspire Yellow Racers Miles: 12.50Mizuno Inspire -cookie Monster Miles: 2.00Cookie Monsters - Take 2 Miles: 42.10
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
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