What a perfect winter morning! Blue skies and my world covered in freshly fallen snow. I love to make foot prints all over the neighborhood :) Due to slick roads we stuck to the Stake 5K route this morning, there is only one stretch that is on a busier road, but there is a good shoulder. As long as you stayed on the fresh snow the traction was fine, but if you tried to run on where they had plowed it was very slippery! My garmin only got the first mile-ish of my run with my neighbor, but sometimes it's liberating to run with no technology. I stayed on the course for 2 more loops after she left, since I know the distance by heart. I felt really good on the uphills - it was a nice push trying to keep my pace up on the hills! I also liked seeing my footprints, because the first loop my feet were 'dragging' into the step, but then the 2nd loop I had a great solid print with no 'drag' which to me means a better mid-foot strike, the 3rd loop I didn't get to see, but I felt it was more like the 2nd. Either way, good times on a beautiful morning! Afterward I hit the gym for total body class - good workout, legs and arms! Baby wasn't happy in the nursery though -I think he may have an ear infection from the congestion left over from last week's cold :( So, I had to head off right after that. Onward and upward for a busy day!