Looking forward to a better week this week. I may have done too much too soon, but oh was it lovely today! I decided to run up yellow fork canyon. I knew the hills would keep my pace naturally slower, more of a recovery so I didn't push myself too much and then I could just relax on the downhill. Well, it worked. Nice poky slow pace up the canyon - but gaining 900 ft of elevation over 3 miles isn't too shabby. I love the run up the canyon and the weather was just a tad cool with a slight headwind up, but I guess I was just so happy to be out I didn't care. The plan was to run one mile up and if I had pain to turn and come home...I didn't :) turn around that is. The pain wasn't too bad, but I could tell it wasn't good either. I probably should've stayed closer to 4 miles today, but darn it, I just couldn't! The canyon was beautiful and the creek was full. Coming down the canyon I had BEAUTIFUL views of the full valley and some scattered showers moving across the valley. Oh, how wonderful it was to be out! The bottom of the canyon road was lined with American flags as well - I tell you, it was a GREAT run! I just wish my iliopsoas was cooperating more. You'd think after a week off it would be nicer to me. Did a good .25 mile cool down walk came home and promptly stretched, stretched and stretched some more then threw some ice on and some ibuprofen back. I will get through this - I will. Baby is feeling better, still whinier than I'd like - maybe 80% back, but SO much better than this past week! Glad to be back.