Did my long-ish run today. I didn't know how it would turn out. The self-doubt gremlins have been resurfacing. 13 miles by myself? I'm only used to 6/day now. I have to get up early? I'll be too tired. I won't be able to keep pace on the uphill. It's cold out there! Maybe I'll just.... (fill in the blank with a myriad of other possibilities). Well, I got up, got dressed and got out the door. I had on capris, a l/s shirt, a jacket, head band, gloves, visor, head lamp and reflector. Honestly dressed more for 30 degree weather. I forgot how to dress for this 'between' season. Just over 3 miles in I stopped and dropped my water bottle and took my jacket off - which took quite some time. Lots of stuff to get off to get it off (garmin, ipod, gloves, refelctor), but then tied it around my waist and headed off again. MUCH better! I figured I'd just use the water fountains at the lake for an intermediate swallow before heading back to the water I'd dropped. Well, I was right. It is too cold! The drinking fountains are off :( I ran around the lake and checked each one I ran by...I think it was more mental than anything, but I was getting thirsty! After the lake loop, I went in the Kennecott building - nope, no bathrooms or water available without a 'key card' - dang. So, I bugged the ladies at the bakery (only thing open early!) and they were more than wonderful. Even offered to buy me a water bottle to run back home with. I explained I'd dropped some about 3 miles up the road. But, how nice! They said to come back any time. I think next time I'll stop for a cinnamon roll :) I checked my AP before heading back on the uphill. I wanted to know how much I lost at the end. I was at 8:28, nice! I could tell I wasn't relaxing, but I thought it would be closer to a 9 so this made me happy. Maybe I can hit a decent pace overall, even bombing the uphill. I was struggling more on the uphill than I would've liked (breathing hard, fatigue, self-doubt gremlins clawing their way into my brain), but I think I was out of fuel too. My body isn't quite used to handling this pace and climb with no fuel -
felt a little light headed, but it wasn't horrible. I could just tell I
should've at least eaten breakfast, or brought some jelly beans. I was SO excited to grab my water at the HS where I'd dropped it. I stopped at the boxes and there was no water. WHAT?!? I yelled out loud "grrr! where is my water?!? REALLY?!?" I was not happy, especially after the lake experience. Who comes by and cleans up water. It had been less than an hour. Well, I started walking off and realized I was at the wrong boxes *blush* ooopps. My bad :) The last mile home I felt slow...really slow. I'd felt strong up to that point, but that last hill of despair climb really sucked it out of me. Darn it. I need hill work. But, I had done it. Finished up 13.5 and got to walk about a quarter mile home. It was nice to know it was done and over with. I'd done it myself, and while I couldn't figure out the AP from total time, I knew it wasn't too horrible. I'd pushed myself and quieted those gremlins for a few minutes. I'm glad the 'long' run for the week is over, tomorrow I've got my stake 5K and work - so I'll probably just get my normal 6ish in. It will seem strange to not do a long Saturday run, but I'm glad hubby was okay to stay home and sleep in this morning so I could do this. He is always so good to me! Even though he thinks all this running is crazy, he is supportive and helpful at every turn. AP: 8:42 splits: 8:37, 8:23, 8:27, 8:30, 8:27, 8:34, 8:30, 8:21, 8:24 (two best splits on the flat around the lake - nice!), 9:03, 9:01, 9:01, 9:25, 9:24 (last .5) - well, I'm proud of keeping it at 9 even, nearly, for that uphill push. Especially the way I felt! I obviously lost it that last mile, and I've got to admit it might have been mental. The only time I glanced at my garmin while running was that mile. I think I fell into the pace thinking it was the best I could do instead of pushing myself and running more by feel. Darn garmin and gremlins!