What a great run! I haven't enjoyed a run this much for quite a while. Larry, Wayne and I started out with Larry's wife Jolene. We started up the canal road but then Jolene turn to head up the hill to Dry Creek Canyon. We decided to go with her. Neither Wayne nor I had ever been there before. It started with a long steep climb. Once we got to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail we followed it over to the water tank hills. I especially enjoyed the trail running along here. We then headed up the water tank hills (Jolene headed home) and kept going beyond the top for a mile or so. We then turned around and ran back down the water tank hills and our usual route home down 1600 North. It was a cold morning, but with sunny clear skies I was feeling pretty good and decided to push the last mile home. I felt good about running it at 7:13 pace. My hip only hurts me when I try to run fast, especially in the cold. It hurt some but wasn't too bad. Larry, Wayne and I all commented about how we want to do more trail running. We want to get ready for the Squaw Peak 50, and trail running is just plain fun. Both Wayne and I had missteps but avoid injury. Wayne said running trails more often might help with our eye-foot coordination. I don't remember hearing that term before, but I agree. Running down into the valley we commented once again on how lucky we are to live where we do. I'm sure others have different opinions, but I think it very well may be the best place to live on earth, at least for me. It's not just the beauty and opportunities available in the area, but the great people, too. And my running buddies are some of the cream of the crop. What a blessing they are to me.