Larry, Wayne, Kevin, Kent and I did some trail running again today. First we ran to the mouth of Provo Canyon and up the paved trail to Timpanogos Park. From there we worked our way up the mountainside to the upper road that we followed back to the top of the water tank hills. With his injured rib Larry wanted to go shorter so he took a different route and we met up with him along the road. There was a 5K trail race going on so Larry and I decided to go off road and follow the trail. The others wanted to get back so they went on down the hills. Along the trail we met up with two older ultra marathon runners we had met last week. They weren't doing the race either. I talked with Mel for a while. He told me he tried to get his buddies to run trails years ago but they wouldn't. Now at 76 (I think) he's the only one still running. I know we've sure been enjoying trail running of late. We're blessed to have so many great trails so close. When we reached the finish line for the race we stopped and talked with Hawk Harper and others for a while. I wanted to go a little farther along the trail. Larry's ribs chose the less bumpy route down the road. With all the uphill, and being on my feet for nearly 3 hours, by the end of this run I was pretty tired. And 45 miles for the week is the most I've done for a while. I think this kind of training is just what I need for Squaw Peak. I just hope my body can hold out. What a great run this morning. I feel blessed. I wish everyone could have experiences like these on a regular basis. I think everyone would be a lot happier.