Kevin invited me out for 5 @ 6. I wish it were 5 miles @ 6:00/mi, but it meant 5 miles @ 6:00am. Kevin may have been there in spirit, but his body didn't make it so I ran alone. I feel like I held a steady pace the whole way, but the headwind led to an average of about 9:20/mi out and 8:20/mi back. I think the biggest lack in my workouts currently is 3-5 mile tempo runs. It's too late to help me at the Hobble Creek half marathon next week, but there is still time for them to help me a little at St. George in October. These are the kind of runs I used to get in at noon in my previous job. I haven't been able to work regular noon runs into my new job yet. Oh well, we all have to balance priorities. Running has slipped a notch, but I'm still grateful to run as well as I am and overall life is treating me very well, far better than I deserve.