It was almost like old times this morning, with Larry, Wayne, Kevin and I running up Provo Canyon. Larry was the pace setter this morning, which isn't normally the case. Wayne, Kevin, and I were all breathing pretty heavily right from the start. Larry had a tight hamstring a couple of miles into the run. He stopped a few times to stretch and it eventually started feeling better. On the way back Wayne ran with him and Kevin and I drug up the rear. We were dragging and both commented on the spring in Larry's step. I sure hope my legs have a little more zip next week. They have been tired ever since the marathon last Saturday. I took Thursday and Friday off work and spent many hours cleaning out my much neglected garage. Friday evening after I cleaned everything up I decided to take the dog for a walk around the block. I couldn't believe how tired I felt, especially my legs. It will nice having Karen and the girls back. They should be home from Arizona any minute now. |