I think someone must be playing an April Fool's joke. It felt more like January 1st than April 1st this morning. When it gets this cold Larry refers to it as being "stupid cold", which I think refers to the intelligence level of people who go out and run when it's this cold. Both of his thermometers said it was 18 degrees. Seasoned runner that he is, he came out anyway, although if I hadn't of showed up I think he may have went back in. We had a nice easy, if frigid, run wandering through the neighborhood streets and talking. We only went 5.2 miles at around a 10:00 pace, but I still think we earned at least a couple of commando points. Speaking of April Fool's jokes, as we came home we saw our neighbor moving his son's car around the corner of the block. He said it was an April Fool's prank on his son to make him think his car was stolen. I believe that what goes around comes around, so I'm kind of boring in the prank department. I hope my wife and children don't mind.