Easy miles, around 8:20 pace. Felt pretty dang slow and stompy. But it is that time of the month (sorry any guys reading this) which makes me feel pretty sluggish. I think it might be to do with a lack of iron. So I had steak for tea :) Also decided to do a 10K on July 4. See where the fitness is at before I get into training for my Fall marathon. I'm trying to decide between the Wineglass Marathon (Oct 6), the Harrisburg marathon (Oct 12) and Philly Marathon (November 17). Leaning towards doing the Wineglass half as a tune up, then Philly full. If nothing else, it will give me a big 18 week build up for the marathon, while still have some time to rest and then get into shorter races over the summer. Has anyone run these as PR races?