Results are in. I have a femoral neck stress reaction. Precursor to a stress fracture. I was right to stay off it, as these things easily go from bad (4 more weeks no running) to terrible (5 months no running).
As it is I can walk, no crutches (which would've been HORRIBLE in NYC). I can do any cardio/weights that dont cause pain.
I am also having a bone density test to ensure my diet and/or my 10 years of on/off smoking are the culprits. Yes, yes, I was a smoker [ducks for cover].
So all in all, this is much better than I originally expected. A little bit sucky to miss Philadelphia marathon, but I can definitely plan for a real Spring marathon in 2014, rather than a spring marathon of the real Housewives of New Jersey + chocolate.
XT plan starts tomorrow. Yippee!