Day 3.
Feeling a lot better; can step up now, though not 100% weight bearing (just don't want to push it). The pain is more like a 3-4.
Discovered the source of the injury I think. While rolling my hip flexors, I rolled a bit further down on my outer quad and IT Band and they were on FIRE. I guess I've neglected them a bit. I dont think its a stretch to say that the tightness in my quad + a bit more tightness and immobility in my hip flexor forced the underlying muscles to work a bit too hard.
If I keep improving like this (and stay on top of stretching and rolling) I feel like I should be good in a couple more days. Not pushing it though... using this as an opportunity to work on my overall flexibility, especially in my quads and hips; they are always terribly tight for me from sitting at a desk all day.