AM Hill sprints and drills today. I decided I'm gonna keep the sprints @ 30 seconds since I believe the longer sprints is what started my hip issues a few weeks ago. I have also slowed it down a little so I'm concentrating on power rather than just turnover. I'm also gonna keep my cool-down around the 30 minute mark. I would like to keep this workout every other week since I work a big range of muscle groups with the drills and fast-twitch with the sprints. Then on alternating weeks, I'll do track workouts of 200 & 400 meters. 1.23 to Memorial, 1 set of XC skier, ski hop, speed skater, butt-kicks, power skips, carioca w/ a stride between each set, 6 x :30 @ 5:40 to 5:30 pace w/ 2:30 walk break, 3.96 cool-down PM Mountain biking with a buddy. We rode Deer Crest to Mid-Mountain and wanted to make it to Spiro, but had to turn back at Empire Pass because it was getting dark. Took Tour de Suds down to Swede Alley. It was a good night to be in the mountains. 14.10 miles in 1:40. 2,145 vertical gain