No running, just a recap of the last half week. I got sick last Wednesday, so I took most of Wed and Thurs off work and slept a lot, seeing as to how I had the Wasatch Back Relay coming up. I felt a bit better on Friday, but going 38 hours with no sleep caused me to relapse a bit on Saturday and Sunday. Monday I was feeling better again. My foot had been progressing nicely for the last two weeks. I was worried about what the Relay would do to it, since I'm constantly jumping in and out of the van, running around a bit, and just out of my usual routine. The foot felt fine during the event. Sunday morning it was a bit more sore than previous days, but nothing terrible; not a complete setback. Monday morning it was back to where it was last week, which is good. I had a PT appointment on Monday morning for my groin strain. I had no idea how to treat it, so I think I came out of the session with what I needed (exercises and stretches). Some of the exercises are difficult to do, as they aim directly at stretching the adductor, which is what hurts, but I'm trusting my PT. I'm sure he's seen plenty of groin strains. The PT also taped my foot and essentially mummified it (lot of tape). It's a method that I would have trouble doing on my own, similar to the low-dye method, but it seems to be working out well. I go again on Friday, so we'll see where I'm at. |