Ran the Colorado Half Marathon today. Had perfect conditions, temps in the upper-40s, and a gentle tailwind for most of the course. Ran alone from start to finish, and ended up winning by 10 minutes. I was hoping to get some competition, as two guys broke 1:08 last year, but they were obviously no-show. Oh well. It was a beautiful course, and a nice day to be out. On top of winning a half to start my morning, I was able to make it home, shower, go to church, and then make it back downtown for awards at noon. Pretty good way to spend my Sunday morning. The only bummer was that I missed the course record by only 6 seconds, and getting the record was my primary goal going into today. Coincidentally, my last mile was about 7 seconds slower than any other mile during the race, so I think I can see where I could have improved. Not too trashed after this race; it was a pretty mellow, downhill course with about 350' of total drop. The only hard part was retaining focus during the last 4 miles, where I was having to go around all of the 10K runners/walkers on a bike trail. But I was pleased with my effort and time, especially given the 50-60 mpw I've been averaging. This is was "retirement" is all about. Mile splits were 5:04, 5:12, 5:06, 5:08, 5:03, 5:16 (the one uphill of the course), 5:03, 5:10, 5:12, 5:05, 5:13, 5:16, 5:23. 