AM - 7.5 miles on the canal trail. Took it slow and easy. 8:44/mile average pace. Some dude passed me on the canal trail coming back. That felt sort of weird. Will do a few more miles tonight. My probability to finishing TOU has been upgraded from 30% to 33%. (1120: 281 miles) Top of Utah preview newspaper article is HERE. Jon's pace group made the print, heh heh. Now the pressure is really on. The article also mentioned someone else who I did not know was running: Joseph Sitienei. He has run a marathon barely under 2:22 at sea level, and several marathons and halves much slower. He will contend for top 3, but I doubt he can win. Being a sea-level flatlander will not help him either. But it will make an interesting race. PM - ran with the dog, then ran to the TOU expo to get my packet. Chit-chatted with people way too long, and then dashed back to my house to get ready for dinner. Picked up a couple miles total. Dinner was fun. We have a full house, and my wife and I set PR's for most people in the house at once (20), and most children in our house at once (5). I'll post some pictures on the news board tomorrow. By the way, someone left a bib that says "Lil Flirt". If it's unclaimed, I'll made the dog wear it. |