After the terrible run of January 14, 2012, I was in need of a confidence boost. This run did not disappoint. Lisa and I planned to meet at 10am to hopefully bust out 10 miles. So while we both hummed and hawed over the driving situation, the actual running situation was the last thing from our minds. So when I arrived at her apartment and began walking to meet her, and immediately fell approximately 1.2 million times in less than 5 minutes, I knew this was a horrible, horrible idea. In true optimistic spirit, we trudged about a half mile or so (in which I managed to somehow step in a frozen puddle, break through the ice, and proceed immediate frostbite on my poor toes) before we finally admitted defeat. On the way home I stopped at Costco and picked up some "snow trax", which I had been eyeing for weeks but somehow always convinced myself that I "didn't really need them" since it so rarely snows here. Too bad we hadn't each had these this morning! I did one neighborhood loop with them but realized the sun had melted much of the iciness so I came home and dropped off the snow trax, as well as my hat, gloves, over-sweats, and sweatshirt. I wanted to do 5 miles but since I still felt good at 5 I decided I would go on for as long as felt good for. I felt great! What a change from 2 days ago when my legs felt like lead and I wanted to die! This run. was. fabulous. Fabulous fabulous. Lovely snow views, lots of kids out sledding and building snowmen, I felt great, I did not fall, etc. I made it 10 miles! I felt very tired in the 10th mile (thus the slow-down) but by then I knew I had to make it to double digits. Total Time: 1:32:48 Average Pace: 9:17 Splits: 10:17, 10:12 (cautious while wearing the snow trax in these miles), 9:04, 9:15, 9:18, 8:51, 9:03, 8:57, 8:28, 9:22
Win! |