3:20pm, 48 minutes, 5 miles, Burke-Gilman This morning when the alarm went off I was soooo not feeling it. After back-and-forthing and snoozing like usual, I convinced myself that if I got up now and went to work, it would be the same as if I ran now and then went to work or went to work now and ran later. So that's what I did. So a nice mid-day semi-sunny run at Burke Gilman before class, 2 speed-ups in the last mile just to get the heart pumping. In other news, last night at the class I taught, one of my students says (this is nearly verbatim, not exagerating!), "My head is going to explode if you don't stop reading the PowerPoint slides like we're 12." I was so taken aback I thought I HAD to have misunderstood her. WHAT? EXCUSE ME??? I mean I definitely want feedback, I know I have tons of room for improvement, but the exit slip where it says, "Is there anything else I should know?" would be the PERFECT place to share this, not in front of everyone in the middle of class, and so rudely! Its good though, I need to thicken some skin.