Evening run out Tracyton Beach Road. I really enjoy this run, especially on a beautiful evening like today. Sun setting over the mountains, reflecting off the water, lazy people driving by in convertibles and wishing they were running (or so I imagine).
Anyway, it was also a very good run mentally and physically. I ran a very tight pace (7 min. miles or under, without pushing) and felt the best rhythm I've had in awhile, almost unconsciously. I like getting to that point when you're really relaxed and moving along, sometimes it's hard to find when running alone. My hams were a little tight again, not debilitating or pulled, but not quite regular. They feel fine after a stretching now and don't bother me during the day, they just don't loosen up like I expect on runs. By the way, Jon and co. if you read this, I enjoyed the thread about Yasser workouts (or whatever the 800 thing is). I personally like that as a workout, but I'm an 800m guy at heart.