I woke up excited to run today! Ran early and somewhat "easy fast."
I got back from my run just as the kids were waking up, got them fed and out to school, and then prepared food all morning. Boiled down tons of apples from our tree and canned six jars of applesauce. Blended up six quarts of green drink (veggie/fruit drink in the Vitamix). Prepared three batches of marinated chicken. Phew! Busy morning.
Stayed up way too late last night talking to my brother and sister in law. Did a workout alone at 7:45 a.m. after a broken night of not very restful sleep.
Felt pretty blah. Stomach started hurting halfway through.
5XMile repeats on the flattest path in Utah. Legacy Parkway trail in NSL. 5:59-6:07 pace depending on head wind/tail wind.