Tyler ended up needing to patch up I-15, so I did my long run with MacK, Aub and Beth, at least part of it with them. I met Mack at Loafer. I couldn't find my gloves (found out after the run that they were in my purse) so I was so glad MacK had fuzzy socks in her car. It wasn't cold, just drizzly so I thought those would be fine. We had no water planted, and I was on my own after 11 miles, and was planning to do 14-16 with a fast finish (last 2-4 miles at half marathon pace). I took a gu at mile 12 w/o water (that didn't hurt my stomach), and I was starting to drag. It was raining harder now and I was soaked through. My water resistant coat wasn't doing its job, and my easy pace was slowing to about 9 min pace. To make matters worse, I was a mile further out than I wanted to be, so I was jumping from a 14 mile to a 17 mile long run on accident. I had to crest Zephyr hill and then make a decision quickly about whether to try to jump my soggy self into a fast finish, which would end up being more than 2mm faster than current pace. I crested, then thought how if I tempoed, I would be back to my car in about 13 min, so that decided it. I decided to do the fast finish but, to adjust expected pace to just under 7mm, since I was soggy and tired. I did 6:33, then 6:27 (speeding up last 1/4 mile as much as I could, though I was beat). I was so proud of myself to tell the truth. I feel like I'm coming back, if I can find the spine to do these fast miles in these conditions. Things are looking up! Core workout in PM