Ran my long run at night. Weird man. But that meant easy run in the am. Celebrated that by sleeping in til 7am. Wasn't too punishing since I tried to stay in the shade and only ran 4.5 miles (7:49 pace). PM: Met Alison at the HKSI (Hong Kong Sports Institute). We warmed up on the track for 4k, then took off onto the roads. She had many many miles of marathon pace for her long run, so the plan was for her to go out 10k (marathon pace) and me go out 8k (easy pace), then we turn around, then she should catch me about when I need to pick it up (my run was 14-16 miles, with the last three miles fast finish). She had some friends on bikes providing water support, and they helped me with my water bottle a couple of times, but I went miles without seeing them so also did some water fountains along the way. I felt good and kept 7:15-7:30 pace for the middle miles. I looped back for her when she didn't catch me and eventually started my tempo heading for her, found her, and turned around. She was struggling since she had a way hard workout (I couldn't do it). I had her give me five and she responded with a good surge, but she was doing the typical (for me) moaning and I knew exactly how she was feeling. She was going a bit slower than I wanted to go so I had to run my own pace. My fast miles were: 6:38, 6:21, 6:19. I was headed for a faster last mile, felt great, but felt the need for a potty so had to moderate my pace :D I really appreciated meeting with her even though we didn't spend that much time together. It was beneficial to know she was out there working hard at the same time I was out there, also that she was hunting me down, that is motivating. 16.3 miles for this run total.