Met the SF group for an 18 mile run. Ran with Josse to start, then a mile or so with Kim and Josse, then just Josse and I again. I think Kim could have hung with us longer if she wanted to. She is running so strong. I pushed Harry's Hill, about a 5% grade for .82 miles, at 7:42 pace. I tried to push this hill hard several times last year, but it is so killer. I didn't do a stellar pace today, but I didn't give up, so I'll see if I can improve on it each time. I think I'll crest the hill a little better next time. Then Josse and I did a hard mile downhill, my time was 5:48. It felt like 15k pace, or right around lactate threshold. The run felt like a long run, my body felt kind of rickety by the end, but no specific pains. I messed up my watch a couple of times, but I think my overall average pace was about 8 min pace. I did an ice bath after, but I let the water run too long (I was doing stretches) so the water was not as cold as I like it, probably mid 40's instead of low 40's or 30's. weight 122 (water loss from run, but perhaps a sign of future weigh ins). I took one imodium tablet 35 minutes before starting running, both to test proximity to run and one tablet vs two. Didn't work. Will keep experimenting. This is pretty close to my highest mileage week ever. I do have 4 pool running miles in here, but I also counted my son's runs at only 1/2 mileage. Evening - ran 1 mile with Ben in 10:45. I think he's going to be running solidly in the 10's from now on. (I count as half).