Brrrr. It was cold today, especially with the Spanish Fork wind. I make fun of those who live in Spanish Fork because the wind makes winter running so miserable, but then I am the greater fool because I DRIVE IN to Spanish Fork to run with those who live there, so I am still getting the wind.
I ran with a fast friend and we managed to be under 8 minutes most of the time, but I think the couple of miles that we ran up toward SF canyon where it was windiest were more like 8:20, so our average pace was 8:03.
I do feel totally recovered from the marathon now. No lingering muscle pains.
I have started ab workouts last week. My goal is to get a six pack and to lose a couple more pounds so that I might even see some of the pack stick out behind the fat layer.
BTW, I was 153 in mid-April after tax season (I am 5'5", so no, it wasn't pretty), I have weighed under 130 for the 4th time this morning. 129 baby! If I get much lower I'll be where I was in my college glory days. So I am totally happy with the way I look from a fashion standpoint, but for running ideal would be more like 115-120, which I don't think I'll ever get to, but the lower I creep in the 120's the easier it will be to run fast. I really don't try to obsess about weight, but for what it's worth, that's my periodic update.
Asics (129) |