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Week starting Sep 02, 2007

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Member Since:

May 21, 2007



Goal Type:

Recover From Injury

Running Accomplishments:

Did a half a few years ago, unsure of my time but nothing to write home about. I trained about 6 months and then took about 2yrs. off. Started running again this year but have never done anything serious.

Short-Term Running Goals:

keep running, stay fit and healthy, while having fun. Would like to get my mileage up to 25 miles a week and plan some short races when I get confident with my speed.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Get my mileage back up and run pain free!

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Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Spent the weekend in Lyman and so I ran over there today. Got up later than I should have ( I always think that it is going to much cooler than it is at home, never is) But in spite of the warmer, late start, a pretty good run. The last 2 miles seemed hard and I wanted to be done, but there was only one way back and so I stuck it out. Was rewarded at about the last mile found the only sprinkler of the day and it was a soaker! :)

Last week only had one real day of hip pain, today none also, maybe the battle of wills is currently in my favor!!!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Got up this morning at 6:00 a.m. and got out for my run. The run felt really good, I think the diffrence was how nice and cool it is at 6:00 as compared to 8 or 9. I didn't have a lot of time though, so things got cut a little short.

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A wimpy 2.25 miles this morning.  I worked and went home and went out to run.  I had forgotten because of the holiday weekend that my schedual was off and didn't realize Tues. that I had to work untill 4:30 in the afternoon, so I got up at 5:45 in the A.M. and didn't take a little nap or anything before going to work.  Work was exceptionally busy, felt like I ran all night!  So by the time I got home I wan't even walking and talking at the same time all that well.  Decided to give it a go anyway... it was actually pretty good, but due to a time crunch and the fact that I hadn't done irrevesable damage falling or anything else painful, decided to call it a day and get the kids out the door so I could take advantage of the peace and quiet and SLEEP!!!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Wasn't even gonna go out at all today, but McCall wanted to take Clydes advice and run barefoot in the grass. So we went to the ball fields behind our house and made a lot of big loops in the grass then played follow the leader all over the fileds. It was actually pretty fun!! I thought I would just have us run around untill we had done a mile or mile and a half and then go home, but after we got down there and took our shoes off to start running my Nike Ipod quit working..... It took me a minute to realize that I was missing the sensor that attaches to my shoe. So we just guessed on the distance. But I bet it was pretty close maybe more. I felt like I better do something today with Lybi mentioning a BIG GOOSE EGG yesterday made me a bit self conscious!! (just kidding)

The discussion on running barefoot earlier mentioned that it makes you more light on your feet, however I didn't feel any too light on my feet running through the grass, but it did feel like when I was a little kid running the neighborhood in the summer and never being able to find my shoes... Just as fun with my little one too!! We'll definately do that again, fun to see her get excitted about the idea of running!!!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Had my husband drop me off on the way to work, I should have gone a little farther, but we have to go to SLC this morning. And there is something kinda intimidating about riding in the car it always seems so much farther to me than after I've ran it and then drive it.... oh well, my mind has played worse tricks before!!! Well when we left I put on shorts, and lets just say heat was not ever a factor today!!!!! I was cold when I climbed out of the car. Even after getting warmed up on the run, sitting here at home now I'm a little bit chilled!!!!! So enjoy that heat all you guys down there in the SUN!! It really felt pretty good but I was glad to have the sun come up over the hill. Well off to the BIG CITY, Happy Friday :) :)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Went to SLC on Friday, and spent the night at my sister-in-laws in West Jordan.  I took my running stuff and decided that if I was really feeling ambitious I would go for a run.  Set my alarm, got up to go and realized I left my shoes at home....uhhggg!!  I was really mad because I would have loved to sleep in.  I did have another pair of sneakers, difinatley not running shoes, but decided I was up and would give it a try.  Not to bad, but the shoes are really different from my running ones and for the first 2 miles I felt like my legs were just not in control, it was weird.  Kinda fun to run in the city I saw runners all over the place, as I ran down a busy road by Day Break.  As I passed them I wondered if any were bloggers?  It's always fun to run in a different place and see knew scenery it is nice and distracting!!!  I ran up passed where my sister-in-law thinks is going to be the new temple at Day Break.  If that is the case it has a beautiful view of the valley around it.  I kinda had a rough week getting in my miles, and it's Sunday night now and my calves are still really sore, they have been a lot latley, but I think the change in running shoes must have added to that, so I'm hoping to get a better week this week, we'll see I guess!

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