Well, according to Pfitzinger, I should be good to go to start up a running schedule: I've been able to walk pretty much pain free throughout this whole deal--I even went on a strenuous 3 hour hike yesterday without any pain. The short distances I have run--getting out of the way of a bus and chasing a dog--have also been completely pain free. So, I think I'm good to go. Pfitzinger recommends run/walks to begin and he also has pool running mixed in. As I don't have access to a pool, I'll just call those days "rest days." My only concern with his "Sample" Returning from Injury Schedule has me running a long run of 55 minutes at the end of 7 weeks! Furthermore, he suggests that, "The amount of time required to return to a full training generally ranges from 6 weeks to 4 months." http://pfitzinger.com/labreports/stressfracture.shtml Seriously, I hope I'm closer to the 6 weeks as my Top of Utah registration is bought and paid for--and I really hate to pay for something and not subject myself to the requisite abuse. I guess we'll see. I'm shooting for a 6 a.m. run first thing tomorrow morning around the neighborhood. I was thinking 2 miles but will make the final call as I start and progress through the run. Keep your fingers crossed for me, aight?