I ran 10 miles on the Jordan River Parkway in Lehi with the other runners this morning. I started late, so enjoyed my time alone. This was the first time I have ran 10 miles without any walking breaks - so I was very happy with that. My previous non-stop run was 6.3 miles in length - so I know my training is paying off. I taped my foot this morning and used the new insoles. I was a little concerned the first mile because my achilles tendon in the left ankle felt tight, but it loosened up after a while and was fine. /****************************/ Santa Run - Ogden This was a race that was organized as a lead off to the light parade in Ogden. It started at 4:30 p.m. and was 3 loops of a 4 block long course. We gave out candy and enjoyed ourselves. Even though I walked the entire race, I am logging it because it was my sister's first race. She has been battling obesity and is starting to get in better shape and this was a great time to be with her and keep her motivated. Since we were the very last runner's and right near the start of the parade, we got our picture taken by the Standard Examiner 