After 1/9/2010 - I am taking a year off from marathon length distances and focusing on building up my base speed on half marathons and shorter distances.
2010 Speed Goals:
Build up my base speed on training runs to 10 MM miles or better
Half Marathon - break 2:05 (9.5 MM avg)
10K Goal 1 - break 1:00 (9.67 MM avg)
10K Goal 2 - break 55 minutes (8.87 MM avg)
5K Goal 1 - break 26.35 minutes
5K Goal 2 - break 25 minutes
Long-Term Running Goals:
Long Term Goals:
Complete a 100 Mile race
Complete a 100 K race
Break 12 hours in a 50 mile race
Run all portions of the Wasatch 100 course
Break 5 hours in a marathon
Break 4.5 hours in a marathon
Qualify for and run Boston
I need to figure out something inspiring or funny to write here. For now - I'll let the suspense build.
For further unexciting information on my life, check out my blog: Adventures in Running
I'm massively depressed and feeling the dark side encroaching and having to seek out comfort food. If I disappear off the face of the earth, please remember me at
You can't disappear! I like reading your blog too much :D
From Smooth on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 15:32:32 from
WHAT's all these talk about disappearing? You better not disappear! What would I do without you? We shall overcome!!! LOVE YOU!!!
From MichelleL on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 15:49:40 from
Take a walk or run or play with the puppy. Hopefully one of those will help. If not, there's always chocolate.
From LuzyLew on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 15:54:12 from
Maurine, we need another run in the next few weeks to discuss this. No disappering yet. The dark side shall not prevail. Post-marathon downers. Just hang in there until it passes. We have lots to discuss.
From Maurine/Tarzan on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 16:00:37 from
Oh - I hope to not disappear, but am really tired of all the crap that is being spewed at us. None of it was earned or deserved. Each of us is working as hard as we can given our current situation in life and to have that totally dismissed is frustrating.
On the bright side - I just finished selling off my 'portion' of stock from the divorce and am using some of the proceeds to pay for my vacations/running trips the rest of this year and I think I will buy myself a Kindle as a reward for surviving abusive people.
I also just finished up 6 hours of testing an application update - YAY - hopefully we will get it out the door soon (it is only 2 years behind schedule :-))
Thank you dear friends! Some of the knots in my gut are disappearing because of your kind words.
You're a big part of my ambition and inspiration to be an ultra runner! :-D You bring sunshine to the northeast that is more than needed. I'm tired of all this hum drum dull drudgery mess!! I am also hoping to go out west and run a race to meet some of you!~
From Maurine/Tarzan on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 16:12:32 from
Wow - I didn't know I had a new groupie until today. Welcome to my world - Howling Commando. Isn't trial running the best?
Thanks everyone! (Off to find that one last Toaster Pastry hidden in the office freezer)....
From marion on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 16:14:33 from
Isn't it amazing how kindness turneth away wrath....or depression...or knots in the tummy?
You are one heck of a woman, Miles, nobody can change that but you!!!
Maybe we should change the RHPC 1/2's name to the "therapy on the trail" 1/2 :)
From Kelli on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 16:17:16 from
This is why you must stay. We will stay until booted!
Let's sprinkle the dark side with happiness!
From Maurine/Tarzan on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 16:19:29 from
If you start singing "It's a small world" I will have to come over and throttle you (after stealing all your sugar cookies).
From Kelli on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 16:21:55 from
You are okay, I do not sing!
From Jon on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 16:27:48 from
You've got more running groupies than you know. Don't go anywhere.
Unless this is some ploy to get us all to run up into the mountains after you! haha I have to admit that the "Buffalo Run" is on my races to try out list.
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