I had a great run this afternoon - even with dodging stupid drivers. I am going to start rating some of my runs on the following Perceived Exertion chart: - Level 1: I'm
watching TV and eating bon bons
- Level 2: I'm
comfortable and could maintain this pace all day long
- Level 3: I'm still
comfortable, but am breathing a bit harder
- Level 4: I'm
sweating a little, but feel good and can carry on a conversation
- Level 5: I'm just
above comfortable, am sweating more and can still talk easily
- Level 6: I can still talk, but am
slightly breathless
- Level 7: I can still talk, but I don't really want to.
I'm sweating like a pig
- Level 8: I can grunt in response to your
questions and can only
keep this pace for a short time period
- Level 9: I am probably going to die
- Level 10: I am dead
Marion's run motivated me to try and push my pace a little bit today. Mile 1 -3 (PE 5-6.5) - tried to keep my pace under 11 minutes a mile once I warmed up 11:23/10:57/10:43 Mile 4 (PE 7.5-8) - the plan was to stay between 9:30-10 minutes a mile, but Chariots of Fire came on my iPod and it made me feel light on my feet 9:44 Mile 5 (PE 6.5-7.5) 10:33