59:39/11:55 ave, best 8:30, splits- 13:46, 11:35, 11:57(walked a block of STEEP up-hill), 11:27, 10:55 OK- so I have some confirmation of an idea that was sparked by a comment that Sarah(FastRunningMommy) made. When I first started running, BB (before blog), my goal was to be able to run 3 miles 5 days a week, and 6 miles on Sat. Once I got there, I would work on getting all of those miles to 10 mm before I would increase my miles. Well, Sarah had said something about that style of training being a theory of Sasha's for increasing speed. I need to PM him for clarification. Secondly, I was reading a comment made about a runner who had been noticing that after all of her speed work, her recover jog was consistently faster than her easy jog day pace. The response by Sasha was, if I understood it correctly, was that if the recovery jog was consitently that faster pace, it would be safe to run the easy jog days at that pace. Again, I need more clarification. What do y'all think???
So, taking both of those things to heart, and considering my personal training and the fact that I am NOT GETTING FASTER, I am going to implement both of those theories. Whenever I have done speed work, my recovery pace is always in the 11's. So, after a mile warm up, I am going to run between 11:30-12mm for a month and see what happens, injury wise. Also, I am going to keep my miles in the 30's, where I know that I am pretty injury free, for a while as I work to increase my pace. In a month, if I am still injury free, then I am going to consider upping that pace to between 11-11:30. It is all working itself out in my head. After two months, I will keep the easy jogs at that pace and resume the tempo work one day a week and see what my recovery pace levels out at. My big thought is that I am just really comfy where I am, and am not pushing myself. This trial should show me if I am being lazy or am really running at a pace that keeps me injury free. If I have to run slowly to keep injuries at bay, than so be it. BUT, if I am lazy and need to pick things up a bit, then this experiment should show that :) Here's hoping I am LAZY!!!
What do you think, REALLY, I am curious????