58:01, ave 11:36, best 8:20, splits-13:32, 11:07, 11:31, 11:29, 10:48 1 mile warm up and then a bit of a push. The air looks great today. I had an emergency potty stop in mile 4. Thank heavens one of our friends was outside and let me use their potty! This was not a great VPB spot ;) I am looking forward to the rest of the weekend. I am going to laze about, do sime laundry, some shopping and NO eating of crap! We went to an Indian Buffet last night! YUMMY and then I came home and at a WHOLE pint of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia Light Fro Yo! It was awesome. That is my dining out for the week and my dessert! I am going to finish my book, "The Memory Keeper's Daughter," and then start Bleak House. It's MichelleL's favorite Dickins. Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Does anyone want to come down for the Ground Hog race on the 7th in Provo. It's in the announcements. It's one of Mary Anne's races. The is a 5k and a 10k. It's only like $6. COME :D