Marathon Dreamer

Top of Utah Marathon

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Member Since:

Jan 12, 2010



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

Official PR in the half... San Diego Half Marathon at Petco Park March 2012 ; 1:48:34 

Full Marathon PR - LA Honda Marathon March, 2012; 3:48:33

3/2012 - 5K PR - 22:20

Short-Term Running Goals:

AZ Rock n' Roll Marathon P.F. Chang, January 20,  2013

Carlsbad Marathon, January 27,  2013 

Mission Gorge 15k Trail Run, February 2013


LA Marathon, March 2013 ? or.... 

Mountains to Breakers Marathon, May 2013 

Noble Canyon 50K, September 2013? or a 50 miler....

Javelina Jundred, 100 mile, October 2013... I will succeed!!!


Long-Term Running Goals:

Someday run a sub 3 hour, 30 min marathon... anything is possible!  My hopes are to continue to steadily improve and surprise a few people ;-)!

100 mile in 2013

 Master's Woman's Bikini contest... yes... I may just do this in the coming year if I can manage to give up beer long enough to cut!

Help to inspire others to get fit and be consistent in their training.....Continue to love running and stay injury free while I rack up the miles....


I have been married for almost 20 years.... Dave is the only man that I think that was placed specifically on this earth to tolerate my crazy ways.

I have 2 boys - ages 9 yrs. and 18 yrs. old (senior in high schoold and known on this blog as "Ironman"- they are fabulous kids - I am very blessed!!!

I am an RN and have been for around 12 years.

I lift weights regularly and work abs 2-3 days a week.  I enjoy the beach, like to sing, and love to run!!!

Quit smoking about 4 years ago and couldn't run 1/4 way around a track when I began... started with elliptical and then got into running more seriously.  Cranked up the mileage and intensity when I began training for my first 1/2 marathon.  The rest is history.... or history in the making!?


Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Vibram Kso Lifetime Miles: 29.60
Montrails Lifetime Miles: 236.25
Asics Gel Nimbus Lifetime Miles: 278.60
Reebok RealFlex Lifetime Miles: 388.35
Reebok Realflex Grey Lifetime Miles: 195.55
Reebok Realflex Black Lifetime Miles: 399.40
Reebok Realflex Pikachu Color Lifetime Miles: 106.40
Reebok Purple Lifetime Miles: 95.20
Purple Sole Reebok Lifetime Miles: 536.45
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Nike Pegasus 26 Miles: 14.50Asics Phoenix Miles: 26.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

8:25 average pace....ugh.  Last fast run before the marathon.

Nike Pegasus 26 Miles: 3.25
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8:49 average pace.  Ouch...felt really hard and I am exausted!!

Nike Pegasus 26 Miles: 3.00
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9:25 average pace.  was really trying to force myself to run slow today.  I am running on tired legs.  The move this week has really taken alot out of me.  I stopped lifting boxes today and carrying heavy stuff up the stairs.  Thankfully my mother in law has arrived and now I have more help.

Nike Pegasus 26 Miles: 5.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Resting .... praying that I am not getting sick!!!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

,9:25 average pace....did a mile below 9:00 pace  and the rest nice and easy.  I did no unpacking today.  Took it easy at home.  Sitting at the airport waiting for my flight right now thinking about all the training and the taper and hoping to feel rested by saturday. 

Nike Pegasus 26 Miles: 3.25
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Resting today.... driving around Logan and taking in the pretty scenery!!!  Trying to will away the sniffles.  I wish I had more time to rest!!!

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Race: Top of Utah Marathon (26.2 Miles) 04:03:56, Place in age division: 47
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

So excited to share my race report with you all!!

My husband and I left San Diego on Thursday afternoon.  We arrived that evening in Utah after a ways drive from Salt Lake to Ogden.  We were staying at the Marriot there because we just could not find a hotel any closer to Logan.  We had a great dinner that night at a local pasta place.  Quaint little town.  The next day, we went to Denny's for a big breakfast and then drove into Logan.  We decided to drive the marathon course up the canyon.  It was a bit misleading as it felt almost like we were driving down hill!!  I was real nervous!!  But when we drove down the course from the top, we realized that the course turned before all the rolling steep hills that we drove in on!!  Phew!!!  Thank goodness!!  We stopped and had a few beers to pass the time before we went over to the hotel there to pick up the race packet.  I gotta say, the beer in Utah is not as strong as in California. Hardly even felt the effects of it!!  LOL!!  I did drink plenty of fluids to be sure I was well hydrated.  We picked up the race packet and headed back to Ogden for dinner and rest.  I fueled well for 3 days before this race with lots of carbs, ;-) and slept well the night before!!  Woke up at 3:30 am to get ready and to be at Merlin Olsen Park in Logan before the last bus departed for the start up the canyon.

It was FREEZING!!!  I am so glad that I had picked up a cheap pair of gloves in a convenience store the day before.  I also was glad that I brought my superman logo fleece PJ pants to wear and I had a sweatshirt on over my athletic sports bras.  The bus was comfortable and warm.  There was this lady that kept talking behind me.  I thought to myself... how the heck is she able to be that awake to be yackin' that much at this time of the day?!!  LOL!!  I just zoned out and rested my head on my knees in the seat.  It was even colder once we arrived at the top of the canyon!!  It was bone chilling up there!!  I went straight for the porta potty... froze my #$%^ off while waiting and then after, ventured down the hill to find warmth in the heated tents below.  Took about 10 minutes to wrestle my way in... but once there, I was really warm.  I rested as I sat on the ground for a bit.  Ate one of my gels because I didn't eat enough for breakfast.  Took off the bottoms and placed them in the plastic drop bag as I defrosted.

Before I knew it, it was 6:45 am.... Oh no!!  GI upset!!  I ran up the hill and was waiting for a porta potty praying that I wouldn't miss the action down below at the start.  Major lines still at the porta pottys!! It is a good thing that I went though... major GI issues!!  Thankfully, I made the start.  It was tight quarters for the first 2 miles and frankly I was irritated.  Probably should have started a little further up in the group.  The road was narrow though.  Not much I could do but dodge people and avoid being tripped.  My plan was to walk through water stations so that I would be sure to drink enough fluids (this was probably a big issue during my first marathon and why I crashed and burned so hard in that one).  Here is an area where I lost time, but mentally it helped me deal with the length of the race.  I dropped my sweatshirt at mile 3 since I was feeling comfortably warm!

The miles flew by... the sites of the canyon gorgeous... and then, ugh!!  GI issues again.  Amazingly, I held it from mile 6 to mile 13.  Every time I ran by a bathroom, there were people waiting for it.  I stopped at mile 12 to go and still... whoever was in there was taking forever!!  I was losing time so I decided to head down another mile for the next porta potty grouping.  Finally, I only had to wait 2 minutes and got to use the toilet!  I am lucky that I didn't have an accident.  I could have been one of those "girl craps pants in marathon" pictures on youtube... Phew!!  Mile 13.1 time on my watch 1:56 and a few seconds.  Not bad.  The downhill part of the race was hitting me in my knee caps.  But after a while.... I couldn't feel the pain.

Saw my husband at mile 14.... :-).  I was still wearing my gloves at this point... I then took them off and bunched them in my hand.  It became a game for me.  I would switch hands with them at every mile marker.   I then saw a deer run across the road and up the hill.... wow!!  Then before I knew it... it was mile 15... then mile 18.  Then mile 19 and ouchie.  Was really starting to feel the fatigue.  I started to remind myself that I could only walk through the water stations.  So I pressed onward.  I could feel myself slowing down but managed to push through that bad feeling.  Mile 22 :-(... not happy... a couple of cramps in my upper back had me stop and stretch.  There was this lady running in front of me and she twisted her ankle.  Poor gal.  She limped off to the side.  At around mile 23... I saw a dude puking his guts out.  Poor dude.  Kept pushing along and started talking to myself out loud....  "Just a little further...."  Mile 25... "one more mile or so.... only a few more minutes..."  Suddenly I saw the finish and ran a nice strong fast pace to it!!  When I crossed, I buried my face in my hands and cried.  I felt like I had broken through something huge... whether it was a physical thing or a mental thing.... I did it.  It was overwhelming.  I finally believe that I am capable of doing more.  It's funny, but I think this race could be a turning point for me.  Utah was beautiful.  I am very sore from the marathon.... but very happy.  I didn't qualify for Boston... but I knocked off 32 minutes from my previous marathon... and I do think that I would have been sub 4 hour if I didn't have to wait for a bathroom.  With each marathon, I get stronger... and I learn more about myself.  It is very rewarding!!

 Somehow, I missed getting my offical times throughout certain points in the race.  The only other time I have is the one at the 20 mile marker....3:03:29.

Asics Phoenix Miles: 26.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Nike Pegasus 26 Miles: 14.50Asics Phoenix Miles: 26.20
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