Marathon Dreamer

San Diego Rock n' Roll Marathon

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Member Since:

Jan 12, 2010



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

Official PR in the half... San Diego Half Marathon at Petco Park March 2012 ; 1:48:34 

Full Marathon PR - LA Honda Marathon March, 2012; 3:48:33

3/2012 - 5K PR - 22:20

Short-Term Running Goals:

AZ Rock n' Roll Marathon P.F. Chang, January 20,  2013

Carlsbad Marathon, January 27,  2013 

Mission Gorge 15k Trail Run, February 2013


LA Marathon, March 2013 ? or.... 

Mountains to Breakers Marathon, May 2013 

Noble Canyon 50K, September 2013? or a 50 miler....

Javelina Jundred, 100 mile, October 2013... I will succeed!!!


Long-Term Running Goals:

Someday run a sub 3 hour, 30 min marathon... anything is possible!  My hopes are to continue to steadily improve and surprise a few people ;-)!

100 mile in 2013

 Master's Woman's Bikini contest... yes... I may just do this in the coming year if I can manage to give up beer long enough to cut!

Help to inspire others to get fit and be consistent in their training.....Continue to love running and stay injury free while I rack up the miles....


I have been married for almost 20 years.... Dave is the only man that I think that was placed specifically on this earth to tolerate my crazy ways.

I have 2 boys - ages 9 yrs. and 18 yrs. old (senior in high schoold and known on this blog as "Ironman"- they are fabulous kids - I am very blessed!!!

I am an RN and have been for around 12 years.

I lift weights regularly and work abs 2-3 days a week.  I enjoy the beach, like to sing, and love to run!!!

Quit smoking about 4 years ago and couldn't run 1/4 way around a track when I began... started with elliptical and then got into running more seriously.  Cranked up the mileage and intensity when I began training for my first 1/2 marathon.  The rest is history.... or history in the making!?


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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Vibram Kso Lifetime Miles: 29.60
Montrails Lifetime Miles: 236.25
Asics Gel Nimbus Lifetime Miles: 278.60
Reebok RealFlex Lifetime Miles: 388.35
Reebok Realflex Grey Lifetime Miles: 195.55
Reebok Realflex Black Lifetime Miles: 399.40
Reebok Realflex Pikachu Color Lifetime Miles: 106.40
Reebok Purple Lifetime Miles: 95.20
Purple Sole Reebok Lifetime Miles: 536.45
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Nike Pegasus (Purchased June 1) Miles: 19.00
Race: San Diego Rock n' Roll Marathon (26.2 Miles) 04:37:47
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Race results... depressing but not as bad as I thought... 04:37:47....5k27:26, 10k54:07, half 1:59:05, 20m 3:25:15... You can totally see where I started having major issues. That last 10k, I was totally reduced to muck.

For the last several days, I have been seriously beating myself up over this race, I have cried because of my disappointment, but honestly I think many people would have bagged it if they experienced what I had on race day.  How does a BQ gal end up with a marathon time almost an hour later than what she is capable of?  Well... here's how! While at the expo on Friday, I found out that there were no pacers from 3:40-4:00 time.  I wanted a 3:45, so I was miffed that I would have to try and pace myself through the race. I spoke with my friend Dane and planned to go out with the 4 hour peeps and pick up the pace if things were going well.  I had some really memorable moments this race weekend! My run on Thursday night with Dane and the Running Skirt ladies was a blast!  Having my bib signed by Dane Rauschenberg, Meb Keflezighi, and Desiree Davila gave me hopes for a great race! 

On Sunday morning, Mary and I left our neighborhood at 4:00 am to be at the 6:15 start. As we arrived at about 4:20 at the Washington St. exit to park at the airport to get the shuttle to the starting line, we sat in traffic until around 5:55 am!  The exit ramp was backed up for about a mile and it wasn't moving!  While at the expo on Friday, we were told that the last shuttle to the start was at 5:30!  I was freaking out!!!  To top it off, I needed a bathroom bad.  My stomach had been rumbling since we reached the line to exit the highway.  By the time we finally managed to park the car, it was after 6am.  Thank God we still had shuttles!  I dropped Mary at the bathroom before I headed down to park the car.  We left our gear check bags in the car because we didn't know if they would still be taking them at the race start.  The lines at the porta-potties in the parking lot were long and I was so afraid that we would miss a shuttle, so I continued to hold my poo and pee (just keeping it real) on the bus ride to the start.  I had to go so bad and I knew that diarrhea was going to be a problem for me.

When we arrived, the lines at the porta potties at the start were rediculous despite the fact that it was probably around 6:45 am by then.  We had totally missed the race start.  I was supposed to be in corral 6 with the 4 hour peeps and they were starting corrals now in the 40's.  As we waited in line for the bathroom, I prayed that I wasn't going to have an accident.  I also told the lady behind me that I would give her $20 for a piece of her toilet paper.  Thankfully, no bribes were needed and she shared hers with me.  I hugged her. Thank you nice lady!  That bathroom break was a major relief however, I noticed that I had blood in my stool.  Something was causing some major stress to my body.

Finally we were at the start.  I was so upset about the morning and my stomach felt totally off.  I had decided at this point that I would run this race with no pressure.  It was a crowded start and slow moving through the streets.  A few trips and heel hits but as the miles went on, it cleared some.  I vaguely remember the bands or music.  Something was wrong.  I had a sore rear, my hips were hurting and I had stomach cramps.  I was feeling tired already. At about 7.5 miles into the race, my Garmin malfunctioned and the screen went completely blank.  I had no way to pace myself. WTH!

I felt bad and it was getting warm.  At mile 17 or so... everything really started to fall apart for me.  Massive GI upset with diarrhea, bathroom stops, dry heaves, stomach cramps ensued for the remainder of the race.  I would try to run but by stomach cramped whenever I tried. Miserable.  My worst marathon and worst finish time ever.  I have to say that I had the biggest smile at the finish because I was just so relieved that I was done and it was over.  I'm not quite sure why I was so sick, but it could have been my nerves from all the mishaps, my Crohn's Disease acting up, or I had a bug of some sorts (I took care of a patient this past week that had the stomach flu).  One thing that would have helped me those last several miles is if there were more people running.  Most were walking and it really played with my focus and my head.

So, the marathon sucked!  It was poorly organized with the parking situation, poor traffic control, not enough porta potties on the race route which made for lines, the race route bit the big one (steady climb for a while at the beginning, ended up on the highway at one point, narrow route especially through Balboa Park, and odd out and back areas where you ran towards runners that were on the opposite side of the road, confusing branching off in several areas for half marathoners and marathoners which my friend Mary ended up in and had to turn around).  I will run this as a half, but I do not recommend running this as a full.  As I lick my wounds this week, I will pick yet another race to run and hope for better results.  I trained well and in order for myself to mentally wrap myself around this, I am calling this one a "training run for an ultra."  This marathon ate me up and spit me out, but it didn't stop me from crossing that finish line and I have that damn medal to show for it!  Regardless of the results, I am able to still muster some pride from its completion and feel good about enduring it all.  My friend Dane said it all too well, "The marathon is a cruel mistress." Happy running peeps! 

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sore... pissed off... upset... yeah.

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8:44 average pace.  I feel better.  Felt the best the last 2 miles when I picked up the pace.  I needed redemption, so I hit 6:30's for the last half mile.

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It was a nice evening for a run. Starting to fell less sore.

Nike Pegasus (Purchased June 1) Miles: 4.00
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Who knows the pace...left my watch at home, but it was quick enogh to make me pant like a puppy...LOL!

Nike Pegasus (Purchased June 1) Miles: 4.00
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Yeah...First 5 felt ok then slight bonk at mile 7 which made it hard the last 4. 3 stops from cramping in my back and getting up those darn hills was hard.

Nike Pegasus (Purchased June 1) Miles: 11.00
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Nike Pegasus (Purchased June 1) Miles: 19.00
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