So THAT's the workout Scott does on the treadmill? Pah. I run 12.8 MPH for a mile in my fourth VO2max mile. I can crush that workout. I'll probably have to up the speed on the last four intervals. This will be no trouble.
9.5 - 5 minutes. Starts off a little hard as usual but I am in the groove by minute three. Almost 10 percent done already with zero effort.
10 - 5 minutes. No trouble, breathing 3 in 3 out, but let's go a little faster on the breathing as we get into the intervals.
12 - 1 minute. Really? I barely feel this, A little bump by the end.
10 - 1 minute.I feel recovered by 35 seconds. I wonder though, usually I walk fast between intervals but I still feel pretty good.
12 - 2 minutes. OK, this one I feel decently. But it's still nowhere near the 5 I usually do so I'll be OK.
10 - 2 minutes. Hey it's taking a lot longer to recover and I don't really get down to Oh crap it's time for the 3
12 - 3 minutes. Dang this one feels like the last three minutes of the mile, not the first three. Geez I am actually having to push now.
10 - 1 minute. Aggg! I am not recovering at all. I need to drop it back.
6 - 1 minute. OK this is too slow, recovery is instant.
8 - 1 minute. Still slow, but now the real work starts.
12 - 4 minutes. Eegad. full-on nastiness. Nothing over the top though. But I have to walk for a second.
3.5, 6, 8 - 4 minutes. OK now for the real one. Boy do my legs feel heavy.
12 - 5 minutes. Yow! This sucks. Worse than the 12.5 mile I usually do. The seconds crawl by. Did you know that half way through this you still have 150 seconds to go? Tick. Tock. Tick.
6 - 4 minutes. I certainly don't need 5 minutes at this speed, but the legs are very heavy. Sweat is starting to run down the face of the TM and pool at the bottom. I want to stop but I know if I can do just one more interval I will be happy at Nebo in 10 days.
12 - 4 minutes. OK this is crazy. The stupid TV is stuck on China news and I am so sick of watching that six year old playing in the street get run over by the SUV and survive that I think I'll just stand still and launch myself backwards into the ellipticals and end it all.
6 - 3 minutes. I have 19 minutes of VO2max at this point. Really? That's ALL? Well I really need to get 20 because that's one more than 19.
14 - 1 minute. End with a bang!
I am listing to the right as I stagger out of the gym. These guys are nuts. Or at least 8 percent more fit than me. Great workout :P