Well, I've felt better...I truly have. Was this because of my long run on Sat.? I don't know. I have a stiff neck. I woke up with it on Sunday. And one of my feet exploded, sort of. It felt fine Sat., it felt okay on Sunday, and today it exploded. THIS is what comes of running in dadgum shoes!!! High heels on Sunday do not help, either. Question: why can't they make dressy shoes that are cute and yet have no heels? It's like they decide that if someone is buying flats, they must not care about looks anyway. So they throw the ugly stick at you.
Anyhow, I am icing my foot and limping around. What are you up to?
In other news, it has come to my attention that I have the weirdest readers on the planet. No, not YOU, dear reader...it is all those OTHER weird readers I am talking about. According to the quantcast demographic thingy at the top of this blog, the AVERAGE reader of my blog is:
1.) Male (how could this possibly be true, when 90% of the comments are made by chicas?)
2.) Between the ages of 12-17 years-old. Hmph. I can hardly even think of any guys on the blog in that demographic range that speak to me.
3.) Have children...that's a little frightening.
4.) Make a lot of money (McDonald's must have updated it's pay scale...)
5.) Have college degrees.
So, they are amazingly intelligent, promiscuous, overpaid teenagers. Hmmm. Don't be shy, now, leave a comment and prove your existence if this describes YOU. |