2 miles this morning barefoot on the treadmill. Wanna know something kinda cool and kinda wierd? I stepped on (kicked, really) an open safety pin that was jammed in the carpeting and it DIDN'T pierce the skin on the bottom of my feet. I thought it was just an errant staple or something that got stuck in the carpet, because all I felt was some snagging, but no pain. I'm take this as a sign that my feet ARE actually getting tougher, despite the lack of visible change. I had been waiting and waiting to see some evidence of my soles thickening, but to no avail. But this is good news!!! I don't really want to have ugly calluses on my feet, I just want to have TOUGH feet. So...tough and cute are not mutually exclusive. Tough, cute. Better than chocolate and peanut butter, and much less fattening. ;)
Anyway, I've gotta go get my last 2 miles in. Sorry I don't have much time for blogging these days, people! It's not because I don't care...I am just SO dang busy! When I get my fall schedule a little more under control I'll be checking out more blogs and leaving more comments, I hope. But for now [bulk comment coming]...um...Great run! Keep it up, you are an inspiration! 2 BF TM miles too late at night. Sleep running.