2 Really pretty BF miles this morning. It rained last night, and it always smells so good! I ran through a flock of about 50-75 little black birds, probably starlings. They all took off from the ground together, so I got the cool sensation of running through a living tunnel. I wished I had time to run a little more. Tomorrow morning I'm going to try waking up just 10 min. earlier and see if I can get 3 in the am instead of just the usual 2. Whoops, it'll have to be Wed. because Tuesday is when I start piano lessons uber early in the morning. I don't want my poor students to come and find me all sweaty from my run.......again. BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH! 2 more miles with my cute little guys tonight. I'm developing a grow-your-own-running-buddy program over here...so far so good!