Ran from the AF Rec Center to Kohlers and back. This is one of those runs you'd like to forget about. Starting feeling cramps about a mile into the run and by the next mile I knew I needed to find a bathroom FAST! I did manage to make it to Kohlers, but I was hurting. I still wasn't feeling well when I started back and within a 100 yards, I felt like I'd better head back to the bathroom. I kept going, thinking it would just go away, but it soon got worse and I was walking. Unfortunately, it was so cold that I started to chill from the perspiration that I'd worked up earlier. As I needed to get back to the the rec center and pick up my daughters, I tried running again. I soon had to stop, but after another half mile or so I was able to run again and was able to finish the last mile at 7:38 pace. I was very grateful to have been able to make it back to the rec center, as I was soon really hurting again. After a couple of hours, I felt OK again. Ave Pace 8:46 Ave HR 149 |