6 miles with 20min LT pace. (5:26/mile) It was a little drizzly and cold this morning which I love to run in! We warmed up about a 1.5 I think. We started our tempo and I was with Mike and Able, but when we crossed the road just off the misquito trail mike somehow gained 10 feet on me. He then stretched it to around 20ft then we flipped in the middle. As we were going downhill I was flying and gaining on mike, but then this car failed to see me at a stop sign (people are dumb drivers!), so I had to stop in order to not die!! So, I lost all momentum and after that I was gaining, but then mike surged for a bit and gapped me again...i wouldve caught him and could've stayed with him! My pace was around the 5:40's which is way slower, but i'm not stressing. It was cold and I thought I taught myself to finish and not worrying about dying off! |