Run with my Heart

Provo River half marathon

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Member Since:

Jan 02, 2006



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:


PR-St. George marathon 3:01:03 (2013) Provo City half (2013) 1:24:18, Nebo half marathon 1:21:16, Ogden Marathon(2013) 3:07:44,  Dixie 15k 58:36,  Running of the leopards 5k (2013) 18:48, Des news 10k 40:20, Half Ironman 2016, Boston Marathon x3, 2nd place in Pony Express 50 miler

1st place overall womans in Spanish fork 1/2 marathon, Tristate 1/2 marathon, Death Valley 1/2 marathon, and the Utah Valley marathon (4-12-08)


Short-Term Running Goals:

See what my 40's bring next year

Get my grove back

Long-Term Running Goals:

Run a sub 3 hour marathon and have a blast doing it.  

Have fun and enjoy the process 


I am married with 3 lovely children 26, 18, &12and a dog named Koda and a cat named Blue.  Love to run and be outside.  I believe that if you think you can do it and you work hard enough any thing is possible.   Life flashes by in the blink of an eye, enjoy it while it last and remember there is a lot more to life than running. I coach high school swim and love it!

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Kinvara 6 Lifetime Miles: 493.70
Kinvara Ugly Green Lifetime Miles: 335.70
SK Go Run 4 Black Lifetime Miles: 302.70
Sketchers Red/white/blue 1 Lifetime Miles: 296.40
Kinvara 6 White/blue Lifetime Miles: 264.70
Sketchers 4 R&B Lifetime Miles: 118.10
Race: Provo River half marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:30:06
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I am sorely disapointed, I cut my miles alittle and got more sleep so I really thought I would feel better and race better.  I don't know but I just pooped out in  the end and just gave up mentally.  I just want to bag it all together:(  I can't figure out why I am not racing the way I know I can.  I really thought a sub 1:30 would be in the bag today.  I just want to cry!

My moring started with my mom waking me up.  I don't know what happened but I didn't wake up to my alarm.  So ready in 2 mins. flat ( at least I got a PR for that)  glad I had everything ready to go.  Then we had to wait for the 2nd round of buses so didn't really get a warmup just about a half mile waiting for the buses.  Get to the start and a quick bush stop and the race starts.

1-6:12 oh man I have to pee.

2-6:27 still have to pee but I don't want to stop




6-7:09 big hill


8-6:29 laped this mile but I think it was really short


10-6:56 (1:06:56)



13-7:28 completely falling to pieces and I still have to pee.


The end just really broke me down.  Cooled down with Michelle.

Ice bath and don't worry I am not giving up on running just feeling really sorry for myself and trying to figure out where my training should go to get faster.


From dave holt on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 13:51:52

Josse, I've had those same feelings many times. Give yourself a day to think about it and what might have happened, learn from it, and hit the road Monday! It will all come around!

From MichelleL on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 13:55:08

I'm sorry your training isn't showing up as much in your racing right now. You should have been able to do much better on this run. We already chatted about the possible causes, but I'll put my thoughts out on the blog to see if anyone else has any other ideas, #1, I think you may be anemic. You are showing the signs of it - difficulty racing well, feeling sluggish and unmotivated, #2, I think you could attack your workouts more and make them more marathon specific (more hard miles in a workout, use the workout as practice being tough even when it hurts and you want to stop). It seems overall that you want to improve, you have put in a lot of work/training/lifestyle sacrifices to improve, but that drive doesn't show up so well on the race day. Hopefully you're anemic - easy to solve that. A silver bullet would be nice.

From marion on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 14:11:28

I'm sorry it wasn't a great race for you :( I think it rocks, but I'm a semi-injured doofus :D Hang in there- you will feel better soon :) You could come down and have Margaritas with Maurine and me while we soak our feet in the creek and throw gu at anyone who walks by :)

From MichelleL on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 14:19:33

Hey that sounds fun! Can I come too? :D

From marion on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 14:25:51

you bet! I make the best Margaritas! (no tequilla, but mighty tasty :)

From Kim on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 15:26:08

Josse, I know you are frustrated right now, but what an awesome "training" run! Look how many of us and the rest of the world call that much more than a training run! You, my friend, are a major speedster and we all know it! You won a thousand bucks recently...don't forget that! Just a bad day today! I've had to learn that in life there are some things you have to let go of and try not to dwell on. I hope you can do that with this race.

From MarcieJ on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 15:30:17

I am sorry you are frustrated! I agree with everything Kim said plus look at the miles you have been putting in, even though you cut back a little you still ran that race with really no taper. You are such a strong and FAST runner. I also agree with Michelle to check into the anemic thing, that would make sense. Dont be too hard on yourself!!!

From josse on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 15:38:33

Thanks everyone, I know that you really only get a great race once in a while and I love all the great support and kind words. They have definalty cheered me up. Big hugs and thanks for all the support. I will pick myself up and train my little guts out:) And get tested for anemia.

From Paul T on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 15:39:58

I'm amazed at how similar our splits were today, obviously not the ones where we were running together early in the race, that's expected, but even the miles after we separated were similar, especially the last two miles. It seems we had very similar experiences in that respect.

The difference is that I feel pretty good about my efforts today, and you sound pretty discouraged. Your feelings seem very similar to Tom's. I think you both had good races, but you have both been training really well and had higher performance expectations, and maybe rightfully so. It seems you've both earned improvement, but it doesn't seem to materialize on race day. It's a mystery to me, too.

I don't have any good advice. When I get discouraged I just try to step back and see just how far I've come and count my blessings (glass half full). I also focus on enjoying the running lifestyle (which I truly do) and not so much on the race results. For me, the primary goal is happiness, not PRs or awards (although they do help).

Anyone who runs a 22 mile workout and then gives a massage to someone they ran with (just one recent example of the service you give to others) is a good person. I think you should feel good about yourself (which I'm sure you do), and not let the race results get you down.

Life's an adventure. Who would watch an Indiana Jones movie where he obtained the Holy Grail without any challenges?

From allie on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 16:44:42

don't get discouraged. it is only one race, and a new day can bring completely different results. i know you are tough from seeing how you train, and you will bounce back. we all have those days (mine was des. news). just rest up, keep training hard, and you will smoke everyone at your next race. i know you can do it. you are a strong and solid runner. (by the way, it was fun to meet you today for like 2 seconds...always fun to meet a fellow blogger in person...brings the running connection together)

From Kelli on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 16:51:36

I bet that was you and Michelle I saw walking together in the FastRunning tanks??

Anyway, do not beat yourself up. I can attest to what happens when you have to pee---it ruins the entire race! I cried about it last year, but just went with it this year (it is my FATE in life). I know I lost at least 4-5 minutes with walking (so as not to pee), slowing down (so as not to pee) and then actually hunting down a bathroom to go in. Such is life. Did giving birth do it to us, or what?

You are an awesome, amazing runner! I have done a whole whopping 3 races, but I know that some days are just BAD! If it does not start out the way you want it to (or need it to), it can make for a rough day---or a rough run, in this case!

Here is to a better 1/2 for you next time! And great training between now and then. You smoked me and at least a thousand others---take pride in that!

From Tom on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 17:18:06

Josse I can completely relate to the way you feel. When you get a taste of what you can do in a few races, then train like crazy to get to the next step only to seemingly take a few steps backward it's tough to handle! Lots of mysteries with running and life, but as Paul noted -- that's half the fun and what makes it such an adventure.

Good luck getting past what I'm pretty sure is just a temporary blip of a slump. Hopefully it's as simple as getting some more iron in the diet. I think Paul better not be too lax at Hobble or his chick-count will be bumping up a notch.

From Brent on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 17:19:02

Queen Josse, Something positive from the race, consistency. You are ready for a break away race. 200 commando points for your get right back at it and train your guts out.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Jody on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 17:27:39

I am so sorry you are frustrated. It is so hard when we have high expectations and fall short. Take what you can from this and learn from it and let the rest go. SGM is ready and waiting for you to tear it up and I cannot wait to see it happen!

From Mike Warren on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 18:06:49

Josse, theres not a runner on the blog, or anywhere else, that does not have bad races. I know how you feel, I have had my fair share of them. Put this one in the memory bank, bring it out when you need some extra motivation to finish strong. Your a great runner and its a matter of time!

From Andy on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 19:30:00

It seems like we are suffering from similar issues. We have had a taste of good races, work a lot harder and then don't see the results we are expecting. It is tough to deal with but knowing that the next great race is out there somewhere keeps us going. Hopefully you can figure out the secret to success and share it with me.

From josse on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 20:04:26

Andy I will gladly share it with you, I know alot of it has to do with getting more sleep. Which is a hard one esp. in the summer time. That is one thing I can put my finger on right know. I felt much better training in the spring and I was getting alot more sleep. I do believe it will all pay off Andy, maybe not when I want it to but it will:) Hang in there buddy boy.

From Shauna on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 22:11:22

I'm sorry you didn't perform as well as you wanted to. I still remember when I had a bad marathon, and you were very supportive and encouraging with your comments(and reminded me that everyone has an unexplainably bad race sometimes). It sounds like you are doing everything right, but for some reason it didn't fall into place today. Just think of it as an awesome marathon-specific workout! Hope you feel better tomorrow.

From Adam RW on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 22:18:54

Josse, I'm sorry you didn't hit your time goal. This race is good for breaking you mentally. After having those nice downhill miles at the start hitting the flat and those turns can really screw with you. You toughed it out and came pretty close to the sub-1:30 anyway. Great work.

From Lucia on Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 12:41:28

Josee, don't be so hard on yourself, you are still our inspiration and you rock the running world!

Besides, it's nice for us "mortals" to see that the elite runners like you also are human and have bad days like the rest of us :)

There's always next time!

From Phoenix on Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 16:38:58

We all have off days. Not much of a difference between 1:30:06 and 1:29:59, right?

When you get tested for anemia, make certain that you get your ferritin tested. Hematocrit and RBC is not enough. If your doctor is not up to date he/she may may fight you on the ferritin. Performance can suffer with low ferritin but normal hematocrit and RBC.

From Dale on Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 20:17:58

For not having a good race, your time is still really good. Wish we could all figure out how to nail each race but we all have the ups and downs you're experiencing. I also wish I had the secret on how to overcome the blahs....I'd definitely share it.

So just try to learn what you can out of the race, then wad up the memory and toss it in the emotional trash can. You can and certainly will do better in the future, so don't let one bad run get you down for long. You can peak for every race, so just think of it as saving yourself for the big one coming up!

From Superfly on Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 18:41:43

I finally catching up on my blogging after a weekend hiatus.

Sorry to hear about your disappointing race. Racing is so weird. Getting that good race to come together is so hard. This year I've felt like I've been in better shape by far than any other year, but have had poor races though out... I think there are only a handful of people who can run great every race. For the rest of us- you just have to use it as a good speed workout and get ready for the next one.

The only good thing about it is once you finally pull off a good race it feels even better.

I think sometimes I like the training better than the racing part of running....

Hang in there and it will come around!

From Christi on Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 19:31:00

Sounds like you should get a PR for holding your pee! Seriously though, sorry this wasn't one of your best races (in your book- AWESOME in my book) With as many races as you've ran lately I guess there would have to be some that didn't go as planned. Give yourself some credit for how many PRs you've had recently and how hard you're training. YOU'RE AWESOME!

From Me on Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 18:16:43

Hey I think your time is awesome. And it's extremely hard to run a good race when you have to pee at mile 1!!!

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