Fun run in prep for El Scorcho. Tonight was are simulation run - timing and fuel - for El Scorcho. We started at 9:00 pm with temps at 90 degrees and horrible humidity and headed out on the trail. The plan was to do 18 and make it fun along the way. The first 7 miles lived up to expectations and it was down hill from there. We started out on the trail and ran north to downtown/7th street. Ran past a concert in the park x 2 and 7th street was busy. A pit stop at Sweet Sammies for an ice cream sandwich for fuel and then off again. The botanical gardens set off fireworks and then we stopped and ran over the Land Rover mountain since there wasn't a car parked on it. We hit the trail again just passed mile 7 and had great views of downtown all lit up and then the wheels started coming off. It was hot, humid and sweating like crazy. The park was dark and the crowd was suspect and Annette was slowing down, my IT band was bothering my and I was dying of heat. We got back to the car and I asked Annette what she wanted to do and she was done - I was glad and we headed home. There is no need to push at this point, the race is 25K and I will still have one more long run next week and I am too afraid of pushing to the point that the recovery will bleed over into next week and I will loose the opportunity for quality workouts. 12 miles is fine.
While my plan to rest after work and fueling worked great, it was rough. I am almost wishing we hadn't done this because now I know how rough it will be. I had originally planned on MP for the goal, but now I am starting to rethink and just have fun. It is a loop course that you repeat 5 times...agh!