I am bound and determined to make this week better than the past few. I am traveling Tues - Thurs with obscenely early flights and late meetings, so I will do the best I can.
I met Annette for early miles and as always had a great time and ran harder than I ever would have on my own. We both thought we would keep it about 8:30 but that didn't last too long and mile 6 was a prep for running fast for a 5K in less than two weeks. We are running it to see what kind of shape we are in...pretty dumb in my case because I know the answer to that, but I also need to start racing more than once or twice a year. It should be interesting to say the least. Last mile was 7:26...if only I could do that for 3.1... Avg Pace 8:11 I had toyed with the idea of heading back out tonight for an easy run and my 14 year old daughter begged me to take her. How could I turn her down? She has historically not liked running at all, but I thought that after 6 months of highly competitive volleyball and plyo she might have changed. I was so, so wrong. She made it barely a mile and run/walked mile two and walked all of mile 3. She didn't even try... and that is a direct quote from her. My 11 year old wanted to tag along and she actually did great and ran all three with a few stops, but did amazing! I added on some going back to get my 14 year old and then another lap around the little block to make just over 4. Avg Pace 9:47