AM - 9 miles up to work. Back to normal life. PM - 9 miles home. I did a little 2012 review post on Wasatch & Beyond. I think its cool that I ended up running more miles than I drove in my jeep (and Allie will back me up, that was a very good thing for the longevity of the vehicle). Of all the nonsensical things that I keep track of, only driving to work 90 days was probably the crowning achievement. Its fun to look back at all the things we've done in the past 12 months... too much to even condense into one succinct post. I know that the turn of the calendar year is an arbitrary thing, but for a lot of reasons I'm excited right now about the year ahead. I feel that I've been building a lot of momentum for the past month and the 11 day vacation I just took was a real treat (and I definitely took advantage of that opportunity both from training and mental rejuvenation perspectives). I have some big running goals (even by my standards) that I'll be chasing this year, but I'm more confident than ever that I'll reach them.