AM - 9.5 miles at Liberty Park w/ Andrea. Easy pace, soft surfaces. I was doing a little googling this morning and found this article about the Long Beach 1/2 Marathon... apparently there are ~20 guys trying to hit the OTQ, and a few guys who have already hit the time are going to be pacing. Somehow the elite coordinator who setup our entries neglected to tell me this... haha! Honestly I figured there was a 50/50 chance that I'd even have a group to run with, based on previous years' results. But now that there appears to be a huge pack trying to run sub 5:00 pace, that changes my strategy a bit. I may just have to go out with this pack, tuck in, conserve energy, and see how long I can hang. PM - 2 miles shakeout. I'm ready for it to be next Sunday already! I feel like I didn't even do anything this week and still hit 90 miles. I'm gonna go nuts in the next 6 days!