AM - 13 miles. First 10 easy and then 3 miles in 15:22 to finish. Was over by Rob's house and started thinking about the e-mail he sent me saying he was running Boston if its 110 degrees next year and all of a sudden it was 5:09, 5:08, 5:04 on the way home. Net downhill and a favorable wind so it wasn't really all that fast. Enough to clear the head, though. PM - 6 miles + 8 x 8s hills. What happened in Boston yesterday sucks. I've devastated and disgusted. Just sad about it. But there were also some fantastic running performances from folks on this blog. While in the grand scheme of life, race times aren't the most important thing, I hope that those who ran yesterday (and worked hard for months and months to prepare) can eventually find some satisfaction and happiness in what they accomplished. That doesn't get taken away because of some senseless idiot(s).