AM - 13.5 miles. Slept in forever again and when I saw the sun shining through the windows, there was only one place to head - Jeremy Ranch - knowing I'll be traveling the next 3 weekends and I won't get to run up there for a while. About 5 miles into the run I saw Rob M coming the other way, so I ran back with him, then added on a few more. I'm glad I ran into him, good company and conversation, and I think he is convinced that this is the place to be all summer. Between weekend runs in PC and the planned midweek evening trail runs at Alta, its going to be a lot of fun (and a lot of high altitude!). The road itself is in the best condition I've ever seen it, because Morgan County must have cleaned all the rocks off their half of the road during the past week. Its nice and smooth all the way. Afterwards I soaked my legs in the freezing creek while a bunch of fighter jets flew overhead. It was really cool. PM - 4 miles. Then burgers and badminton with the Murphy clan. 2016 Olympics, here we come!