AM - 11.5 miles up to work. Passed Allie along the way but she was moving too quickly in the opposite direction so only got off a "Hey!". I think I figured out the secret to making the hill up to HCI seem tiny - run at Alta the night before. PM - 3 miles. Ran from HCI down to the zoo and met the girls... switched into my cycling shoes (WHAT?) and we biked up Emigration Canyon to Little Mountain. Nice ride - very enjoyable gradient for cruising on the way up... and after a mile or so on the way down I wasn't a scared little baby anymore. I am not an all-star when it comes to trying to clip into pedals. Oh, and we forgot to bring water... no big deal... it was under 100 degrees today :-)
Olympic Trials start tomorrow! There are a thousand articles on Letsrun and Oregonlive about the track meet, but lost in the shuffle is a very interesting article about David Katz and measuring marathon courses (with a focus on the London Olympic Marathon route). He doesn't use a Garmin and Google Maps :-)