AM - 10.3 miles up to work. Another fartlek workout... warmed up ~20 minutes, then did 10 x 1 minute (1 minute float recovery)... ran about a mile easy, then did another set of 5 x 1 minute. By that point the roads were starting to get slippery so I figured that was good enough for this morning. The first set was on flat roads, second set was uphill. The goal is to make suffering on uphills such a regular occurrence that I don't notice the Newton Hills in Boston. PM - 15 miles home. Only had to work a 1/2 day so I was out of there at noon - right when the snowstorm was hitting pretty hard. First 7 miles were character-building, then the sun came out and it was a beautiful afternoon. The highlight of the run was watching the kids kamikaze down the sledding hill (which had a dusting of snow over grass) at Sugar House. Why you should stay active.